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ColonBroom vs. Metamucil: The Direct Comparison

The demand for fiber supplements has literally gone through the roof in 2021. No wonder, because they possess an ultimate ingredient that all people and their digestive system crave – psyllium husks!

But before we dive into the most important details of two of the most popular health and wellness brands, let’s briefly refresh why these supplements are so important to us:

Because we suffer from constipation

Gastrointestinal problems are exhausting and affect over 20 million Germans every year. This strain can affect anyone and make itself felt differently: from hemorrhoids and severe constipation to bloating and irritable bowel syndrome.

Painful bowel movements can still be the least of the evils. Complications can lead to obesity, anxiety and unpleasant bowel diseases. Overall, constipation is a sign that something is wrong with your intestinal flora.

The causes can be completely different. But it’s undeniable that unhealthy diets, eating habits, processed foods, lack of exercise, maybe even some allergies and sensitivities to food sometimes give your digestive system the last rest and trigger a chain reaction.

The good news is, these abdominal problems are quite common and normal, so you’re not alone.

There are a variety of home remedies as well as healthy alternatives and ways to cure the stressed gut. To get rid of or alleviate the symptoms of unwanted digestive problems, many people drastically change their diet, lift weights and exercise for hours.

But it is also easier by simply supplementing the daily routine with an extra portion of fiber. This is where fiber supplements come into play and there are two brands that claim to have THE solution to bloating and constipation, with which you can also achieve your desired body/health goals by… comfortably does his business on the quiet place!

ColonBroom vs. Metamucil

A dedicated employee has agreed to test the effects of ColonBroom and Metamucil as a voluntary „guinea pig“:

I decided to give these two drinks a try. Both try to outdo each other and claim to be the best remedy for a colon cleanse. Here I will give you my honest review.

They should both taste very different and also the branding is completely different. However, both are touted as a healthy all-in-one drink for the gut that fights constipation and bloating, detoxifies the body, and flushes out excess, unpleasant water waste.

That’s why I’ll just drink both on different days and see for myself which one works better. I will also pay close attention to the consistency and analyze the ingredients.

Why am I doing this? Simply because I feel like it.

And because I’m a bit curious about what natural fiber supplements have to offer.

In addition, I want to start my day as fresh as possible and with a nice energy boost, without a heavy feeling in the stomach. I’ve been trying to eat as healthy as possible for a long time, but it’s a real challenge. I would like to have a simple remedy to get rid of this feeling of a clogged stomach in the morning.“

The goal seems pretty plausible, doesn’t it? Who doesn’t want to have a clean, healthy gut? This way you can eat what you want without fear of potential risks to your health. Nevertheless, many factors must be taken into account before deciding on a particular product.

To find out if ColonBroom and Metamucil give the desired results and if you should try them as well, we took four essential things into account in our test: the ingredients, the taste, the results and the price.

ColonBroom – what is it?

ColonBroom is a natural remedy that relieves constipation and diarrhea. The dietary supplement contains mainly essential fiber and is supplied in powder form. You can simply mix the powder with water and then drink directly.

It helps you flush toxins out of your body and promotes regular bowel movements. This product can also help you lose weight, lower blood sugar levels, improve skin health and improve your mood. Some of the key benefits of ColonBroom include:

  • Detoxification  The complex ingredients in ColonBroom enhance your body’s detoxification processes by cleansing the intestines and excreting accumulated toxins.
  • Improved weight loss – The main active ingredient in ColonBroom – psyllium husks – is a natural, volume-forming laxative. It improves the intestinal flora, the digestive system and cleanses the body.
  • Improved overall health  Combining ColonBroom with a gut-friendly diet improves your overall health, boosts your energy levels, and can reduce symptoms of bloating.

Psyllium husks as one of the main components  The psyllium husks are obtained from the seeds of the plant „Plantago ovata“. They are a type of fiber that absorbs water and mixes it into a viscous compound that helps with constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure and weight loss.

Metamucil – what is it?

It is probably the most popular fiber supplement on the market. Many people like it because it’s sugar-free. Metamucil is a volume-forming laxative with fiber as the main ingredient used to treat occasional constipation or irregularities in the intestines.

It can also lower cholesterol levels when taken along with a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet. However, the most important thing is that Metamucil increases the volume of the stool, which makes bowel movements more regular. However, it also regulates the water content of the stool, making it softer and easier to excrete. Just like ColonBroom, Metamucil contains psyllium husks – good evidence of effectiveness.

Some of the benefits* of Metamucil are:

  • May help relieve occasional constipation.
  • May reduce irregularities in bowel movements.
  • Has cholesterol-lowering properties, especially in conjunction with a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet, and may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Can be used as a dietary supplement for fiber.
  • Psyllium husks are one of the main ingredients.

*All of the above information comes from product reviews and official websites of the brand.

The ingredients of ColonBroom and Metamucil

We often start by testing a product with only one main ingredient in mind. „Ah, it has tons of vitamin C!“ or „Lots of protein? Exactly what is still missing in my diet!“ Every micronutrient is important for your body. But even for people with special medical needs, it is very important WHAT EXACTLY you eat.

Now let’s get to the first point that we examined when comparing the two products.

ColonBrooms Ingredients

Psyllium husk powder

Psyllium husks are a soluble fiber that absorbs water throughout the gastrointestinal system and turns into a thick, gel-like substance. It increases the volume and softness of the chair, thus ensuring a smooth bowel movement. Psyllium husks help not only with constipation, but also with liquid diarrhea, flatulence and painful flatulence.

In short, psyllium husks are a very good friend of the intestines that will stimulate your stomach to regular bowel movements in no time at all and will make you happy.

Citric acid

Citric acid is often used in natural flavors to give them a tangy flavor and make them more refreshing. It also has a positive effect on constipation and has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.

Sea salt and silicon dioxide

Sea salt undeniably has a huge impact on our health. Consuming salt in moderation can improve the water balance and contributes to hydration. In addition, it supports the detoxification of the kidneys.

And silicon dioxide? Maybe it sounds „dangerous“ at first, but it is only a component of the salt. It serves to build up the substance and keeps the powder fresh so that it does not decay so quickly.


Most products are laced with artificial sweeteners, which can potentially have negative effects on health. ColonBroom, on the other hand, uses stevia to preserve the natural sweet taste. Stevia is known to promote lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

ColonBroom – more facts

Apart from the main ingredients, ColonBroom contains small amounts of calcium, potassium and sodium. One serving or 1 scoop has 20 calories and 5 g of fiber. Since one container contains 60 servings, you can use ColonBroom once a day for 2 months. Alternatively, you can increase the dose to up to two shakes a day, which will give you a healthy month with a cleansed colon.

Metamucils Ingredients

Just like ColonBroom, Metamucil consists mainly of psyllium husks.

Aspartame and Yellow 6 (E110)

Aspartame and Yellow 6 (dye E110) are controversial food additives. Both are known to potentially have negative health effects. However, the scientific evidence is inconclusive, which is why no definitive conclusions have been drawn to date. Aspartame is another word for NutraSweet – this is an artificial sugar.


In Metamucil we find another ingredient used as a food additive. The maltodextrin is added to give the product viscosity/thickness and thus improve the texture and feel in the mouth. However, the maltodextrin has a high glycemic index of 85 to 105, which when ingested leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels and can be potentially harmful to diabetics.


As we know, sugar is one of the triggers for constipation. One sugary soft drink a day seems to be a bit contradictory if you want to fight constipation. But without going too much into the list of ingredients, it’s good to know that Metamucil also offers sugar-free variants, but they use sucralose for sweetness.

Metamucil – more facts

Apart from the main ingredients, Metamucil contains small amounts of iron, potassium and sodium. One serving or 1 scoop has 15 calories and 5 g of fiber. One container contains 180 servings, so you can use it twice a day for three months. However, it is also available in smaller packs.

ColonBroom vs. Metamucil – the taste

Do you belong to Team Strawberry or Team Orange?

At first glance, ColonBroom and Metamucil look identical.

Vermutlich wird es auch niemanden größer interessieren, wie das Pulver aussieht, da der Hauptbestandteil des Getränks Wasser ist. Man sollte ungefähr 250 ml Wasser verwenden, aber du kannst es auch gern mit mehr Wasser mischen (je mehr, desto besser, da Wasser sehr wichtig ist, um das Volumen des Stuhls zu erhöhen und ihn passierbarer zu machen). 

Nimm einen Messlöffel dieses Nahrungsergänzungsmittels und rühre es gut um, denn sonst entstehen Klumpen, die beim Trinken stören können.

Orangenlimonade = Metamucil. Der “feine Staub” mischt sich leicht und schnell mit Wasser. Es gibt keine Klumpen oder Knirschen im Mund und der Geschmack ist wie ein Hauch von einer leckeren Orangenlimonade. Allerdings ist der Geschmack nicht sehr stark. Je mehr Wasser man hinzufügt, desto fader wird der Geschmack. Aber wir sind ja schließlich hier, um die Ergebnisse zu bewerten und zu sehen, ob das Produkt funktioniert.

Delicious strawberry shake = ColonBroom. There is already a hidden measuring spoon in the container, with which you can measure the daily required amount of fiber. Stirring takes a little longer than usual, but in the end you should get a drink in a strong red color. The same rule applies: at least 250 ml of water. Maybe you’ll be a little surprised when you drink the drink for the first time – it tastes delicious like strawberry from the first sip.

Tip: Try to drink the smoothie as soon as possible. The psyllium husks (fiber) react quickly with water, forming a gel-like, spongy substance. This porridge provides volume and moisturizes the intestines. But if you leave it for too long, the consistency becomes unsuitable for drinking and the taste also decreases…

Now let’s move on to the third point and see if ColonBroom and Metamucil actually do what they promise.

colonbroom vs metamucil comparison


If we check the packaging of ColonBroom, we find their slogan:

Natural way to help get rid of unwanted bloating.“

On the Metamucil packaging we find the following information:

  • For use in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age
  • 56.18% Indian psyllium husks / oral powder
  • Herbal swelling agent for stool regulation
  • Easy to drink / Pleasant in taste

These sentences are printed in black and white on the containers. But is it just a natural type of laxative, or do they really have health benefits? Supposedly they support the detoxification of the body, the natural colon cleansing, give you an energy boost, provide a more restful sleep and are even suitable for losing weight. But which of these is really true?

We summarize the two results of the supplements, as we were able to achieve similar results with both. Then we would like to turn to the points taste, consistency and price.

In the customer reviews it is often described that you can feel the first results and differences in bowel movements after 12 hours. Results may vary depending on dietary habits, bowel problems, hydration, or physical activity. Still, you should at least feel relieved and not experience symptoms of bloating, constipation, or flatulence.

Every change in your diet leads to a change in the gut microbiome. You have to be patient until everything adjusts. Entire populations of bacteria are dying and new ones are coming to the fore.

Therefore, it is normal that the first few days can be a little more difficult and you may experience side effects such as mild inflammation, stomach grumbling and a few flatulence. This is your gut’s attempt to get used to the dose of fiber you’ve been supplied. After a few days, you should feel better and you can double the daily dose for better results.

But what results are we talking about?

A slight feeling in the epigastric region. An increased intake of fiber is undeniably good for your gut. So if you consistently drink fiber supplements, you’ll feel a whole new „lightness“ and lightheartedness, almost as if you’re floating on a cloud.

Regular bowel movements. There is no better feeling than to get rid of all the unpleasant, excess waste that has accumulated throughout the day. For some it takes 2 to 3 days, others achieve the desired result after about a week.

Decrease? We would like to explain and clarify this topic in more detail. Fiber supplements are not suitable for losing weight, so there is a clear NO from us here. Many people think that „curbing appetite“ could actually improve weight loss. Losing a few pounds is a nice side effect and usually comes automatically when you eliminate excess water weight and reduce flatulence. In addition, you regularly empty yourself of processed foods, so your intestines are less crowded.

Your gut bacteria help you lose weight by supporting your metabolism and consuming some of the calories you eat for yourself. Even a healthy, rich intestinal flora needs energy. So if you eat the right foods, they will help you lose weight by claiming a portion of the food for themselves.

At the same time, other bacteria are busy breaking down starch and producing sugar, which makes you more resistant to weight loss. The problem is that this imbalance can get out of control very quickly. To prevent this, you need fiber supplements that can provide your body with all the fiber it needs.

Amazing mood and energy boost. Fiber is associated with an improvement in overall mood thanks to the so-called gut-brain axis. Since fiber cleanses the body and brings the intestinal flora back into the green area, you will find that you no longer feel so sluggish and also no longer have apathy or bad mood. All these phrases of „a bad gut feeling“ and „butterflies in the stomach“ actually make sense!

Improved digestive system. Here we give a clear double YES! With these two supplements, you can boost your bowels in the least painful way. Fiber binds water as it passes through the digestive tract, which improves the frequency and density of bowel movements. This significantly reduces the risk of indigestion. Fiber refers to the indigestible components of food that clump together during the digestive process and collect other digestible substances that do not „come out“.

Improve your diet with these tips

We found that both ColonBroom and Metamucil have the same mechanism of action. To get the best results, our advice is:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Increase the fiber content in your diet. For example, you don’t need to take supplements if you eat a burrito for breakfast.

Are ColonBroom and Metamucil worth the money?

We all agree that price plays a big role when investing in your health. After all, you don’t want to spend your money for free, but buy a good quality product that keeps its promises.

Prices for Metamucil range from €13 to €59.95. Since there is a huge assortment that ranges from gummy bears to small powder packets of 60 teaspoons to large packs of 180 portions, you are spoilt for choice here. You can buy it at, for example, in the pharmacy or at Amazon.

ColonBroom is sold in bottles in a practical subscription:

1-month supply = $52.65 / per bottle

3-month supply = $35.99 / per bottle

6-month supply = $27.99 / per bottle

For our review, we tested the 1-month supply for $52.65. You can buy ColonBroom on the official website and on Amazon. You may notice that some prices are quoted in US dollars. This is because ColonBroom is manufactured there and is very successful.

Our conclusion on ColonBroom and Metamucil

Everyone wants to have a good, fresh and productive start to the day. However, if we suffer from constipation, it’s not fun. So there’s no shame in talking about it. If you’re embarrassed, it doesn’t have to!

We are only here to give an honest evaluation and give clear facts, because there are heaps of contradictory information on the Internet.

Here is our final verdict:

Both serve their purpose.

Both deliver good results.

In terms of ingredients, these supplements are slightly different from each other. If you attach great importance to the difference between sucralose and stevia or the taste, you will find more information about it further above in the article.

ColonBroom uses stevia and strawberry flavonoidMetamucil has an orange flavor and uses sucralose (but there are also sugar-free variants). Regardless of the additives, you may be able to taste a slightly synthetic aftertaste in the finish.

If you’re having trouble with bloating or want to have a fresh, well-working digestive system, these supplements can’t hurt. They can be used at any time, as they can be bought without a prescription.

One thing you should keep in mind when it comes to fiber supplements (and all fiber-rich foods in general!): You shouldn’t use them excessively.

The key to success here is that you find a good balance. It all depends on you, because we’re all different – different tastes, different priorities and different pain thresholds, and that’s a good thing.

Take your gut health into your own hands and treat yourself to the right supplement!





Edibel Quintero, MD

Edibel Quintero has been working as a doctor since graduating from the University of Zulia in Venezuela in 2013. She specializes in obesity and nutrition, physical and postoperative rehabilitation, and sports massage. She has worked in various clinics both as an assistant physician and as a medical consultant. Furthermore, she already worked in the rehabilitation area of an elite football team. Edibel's goal is to help people live a healthier lifestyle by educating them about nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and other important areas of life. Thanks to this education, people can enormously increase and improve their quality of life in these areas.

medically-reviewed-symbol The facts were verified by the medical team


Kinjal Kanani

Kinjal Kanani graduated from Maharashtra University of Health Sciences in 2015 and has been working as a physician ever since. It specialises in nutrition and noncommunicable diseases. As an assistant physician, she has worked in various clinics and hospitals. Kinjal's goal is to increase overall health awareness and help people improve their health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

medically-reviewed-symbol The facts were verified by the medical team